Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Abiding in Awe filled Attention are the first three A's of Appraisal.  I am returning to my van Kaam studies and decided to look at my work from Course IV.    In this course I chose to study my social presence and came out with a typical childhood lesson to articulate the A's of Appraisal as it related to a social crises I had in 2002. The following is a poem written to help me articulate  Fr. Adrian and Susan A Muto's work ( 4 of the A's of Appraisal)  in practice. 

T's For "Time Out"

Time out for Awe
Time out to silence my mind
and heart
and breathe,
grateful for breath
Deep breath.
Roses in faces.
My God Divine,
I sense the transcendent
In your eyes,
Abiding in Awe is A tending to
Mystery who desires to
care for me,
More than
I desire to let 'IT' go....
But you are God and I am not.
Acknowledging Your Omnipotence
saves me!