Monday, October 6, 2008

Faith is Controversial

My Aunt Perky sent me this link.

This song calls us to appreciation. Appreciation opens us to the "Transcendent Dynamic" of the "Foundational Formational Triad of Faith, Hope and Love." I understand protesting souls who are angry about war. My brother is in Iraq. He is not at war with Iraqi's. He is there to rebuild other human being's country. They are not our brothers in nationality, or faith, (though a few are). My brother is in a soldiers uniform building a country, for another man to live in. They are attempting to change hearts by helping them help themselves. How many "against the war", have family that they can talk to about it, with first hand experience?

During Advent, we were asked by our pastor to consider if we are able to allow others to be born into a world that we have to die in. In otherwords, to labor for the incarnation of Christ as we die to self for others to be born in Christ. The life, death and resurection cycle. Iraq. What a story.

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